Sorry for posting twice in one day, I just needed somewhere to go.
Sometimes I think I live in some kind of dream world, and then reality smacks me in the face, and I really wonder where I've been.
For those of you who know the military life, you know that nothing is ever certain.
Before Aaron left for basic, his recruiter told him that when he got back he'd be getting a bonus, as well as a pretty good pay check monthly [enough to where he wouldn't need to get a job], just for going to school/being in ROTC.
Today, we find out that he is indeed getting that bonus, but he will be getting the pay check MINUS about $700.oo per month.
In other words, all these hopes and dreams we've been having about getting a new car has just been washed straight down the drain. Of course we'll still HAVE to get a car, but more than likely a not so nice one. *sigh*
He was also told [before he went to basic] that he would only have TWO years left before he graduated. He was told today that it will take him THREE years, and maybe an extra semester to finish. UMM, SERIOUSLY?
The only reason that this frustrates me so much, is because we live in a crappy town where there is never anything to do. We've already been here two years, this will be our third, and I can't even wrap my head around having to be here THREE MORE YEARS. I hate this place and I'm ready to go, go, go.......

Sometimes I think I live in some kind of dream world, and then reality smacks me in the face, and I really wonder where I've been.
For those of you who know the military life, you know that nothing is ever certain.
Before Aaron left for basic, his recruiter told him that when he got back he'd be getting a bonus, as well as a pretty good pay check monthly [enough to where he wouldn't need to get a job], just for going to school/being in ROTC.
Today, we find out that he is indeed getting that bonus, but he will be getting the pay check MINUS about $700.oo per month.
In other words, all these hopes and dreams we've been having about getting a new car has just been washed straight down the drain. Of course we'll still HAVE to get a car, but more than likely a not so nice one. *sigh*
He was also told [before he went to basic] that he would only have TWO years left before he graduated. He was told today that it will take him THREE years, and maybe an extra semester to finish. UMM, SERIOUSLY?
The only reason that this frustrates me so much, is because we live in a crappy town where there is never anything to do. We've already been here two years, this will be our third, and I can't even wrap my head around having to be here THREE MORE YEARS. I hate this place and I'm ready to go, go, go.......
Well as bad as the day is going I'm glad you are getting use of that tablet!
so sorry things are crappy hun! Hope they pick up for you soon! and your sketches are so cute!
That is some tough news, but I also have faith that things are going to pick up soon. Your sketches are great, btw :)
Dude, that sucks. Why is he getting such a big pay cut? And why does he have to stay in 3 years? because of ROTC?
He's getting the pay cut, only until decemeber, because he had signed a ONE year contract with the national guard. since his pay check is from ROTC, he can't sign a contract with them until his contract with nat'l guard is up, or it will be considered a breech. so, he will get a little less than half of his normal pay until he can sign the contract, dec. will be a year, and he will be able to sign. and yea, because he has to go back and take all the ROTC classes, it is putting him back a whole year.
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