Haven't done a FMM in a while, so when I saw that Emma had done it, I jumped at the chance.
1. Do you cook every night?
I don't. I usually try to cook 4 nights, have left overs one or two nights, and then eat out once.
2. What kind of laundry detergent do you use & why?
Whatever kind Nanny buys.....yes, I still do laundry at her house.
3. Do you do laundry every day or loads at a time?
Once every other week. I know it sounds weird, but I have a ridiculous amount of clothes, so I don't NEED to wash every day. Plus, we don't own a washing machine or dryer.
4. How often do you eat out per week?
Usually just once, unless I'm having a bad week, then it could be three or four.
5. Where do you usually eat out?
Taco Bell, Hook's BBQ, Zaxby's
6. What is your favorite retail store?
7. What's your favorite thing to drink?
Sweet Tea
8. Do you take vitamins? What kind?
I'm currently taking Biotin [vitamin B]
9. What percentage of the household chores to you do?
10. Do your children do chores? {Or will they, did they, etc}
I don't have kids yet, but when I do have kids, yes, they will have chores.
11. Do you go to church?
12. Do you have a housework schedule?
No, I just do them when I have the time or actually feel like it.
13. Do you keep a working budget?
Yes. If not, Aaron would buy every video game he saw and we would be -$1,000,000 in debt.
14. What do you do at night as a family?
We usually have to do our own things.....homework, projects, etc. but when we can, we watch tv and cuddle, or play the xbox.
15. How do you prepare yourself for a new week?
I laze around on Sunday. ha
16. What do your mornings look like?
Usually get up between 6 & 6:30, mondays & wednesdays I have class from 8-9:45, tuesdays & thursdays I have class from 8:30-11:15, fridays I observe at random schools, saturdays & sundays are usually lazy days.
17. What time do you get up in the mornings?
read above.
18. What time do you go to bed at night?
average time is about 11. sometimes it is way later.
19. How do you manage all of the paperwork that floods into your household? {bills, school work, magazines, ads, etc}
We pile it in a bowl and forget about it. It's not good.
20. How do you keep your household organized? {calendars, charts, etc}
I have a planner and a calendar. Sometimes I forget to update them. HA.
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