Tuesday, December 29, 2009

FMM::New Year's Resolutions

I usually don't make new years resolutions, because when I did, I ALWAYS broke them. This year, however, I feel like I'm more mature, and can actually hold myself accountable [keeping my fingers crossed].
Here are a few things I'd like to do this year:

  • Like most women, I want to get in shape. I bought myself the bender ball today, and have promised to use it AT LEAST 3 times a week.
  • I want to work on my temper. I am so quick to anger, and I really want to learn patience.
  • I want to make more art work OUTSIDE of the art I make for my classes. I would really love to do a show at some point this year.
  • I want to keep my house clean and organized at all times. I get so frustrated and feel so UNmotivated when it isn't just right.
Those are my resolutions for 2010, what are some of yours?

To read more New Year's Resolutions, head on over to aefilkins.


Mr O said...

"I want to work on my temper. I am so quick to anger, and I really want to learn patience."

good luck with that one sucka

Cassie said...

I really hope you keep the one about your art. I would love to see you do a show!!

Cassie said...

I gave you an award on my blog. Happy New Year!