Friday, January 13, 2012

Half a Year

Has it already been half a year since my baby was born?
She's 6 months old.

When people used to say to me, 'Enjoy it while you can, it goes by so fast'
I would roll my eyes and make a smirk.
But it's true.
She has her first tooth,
can sit up on her own now,
push backwards when sitting in her walker,
jump like crazy in her johnny jump up.
She's eating baby food 3 times a day and snacking on yogurt bites & puffs.
It sounds like she's saying da-da, heyyyyyy, & ya.
She loves to chew on her toes.
She's almost too big for her 'infant' car seat.
She loves to play, especially when someone is cheering her on ;)
Guess before too long I'll have to be planning her first birthday party!

Monday, January 9, 2012

This should be fun...

The first 5 people to comment on this post with their email address will receive a handmade gift from me at a random time during the year. [US only, please]

Here's the catch: If you sign up, you must post this on your blog, and send handmade items to 5 people. Get those people to do the same & so on & so forth.

Let's make this a handmade year!
Are you in?

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I started to write a post apologizing for being a bad blogger.
But then I thought about it.
And I can't apologize for that.
Because in my blogging absence, I was being a good mother.
A good wife.
A good employee.
I do hate that it has been so long since I've posted, but life happened.
And I can't be sorry for that.

Hope you guys are still around ♥