Thursday, May 19, 2011

Things I love Thursday

  1. Magnum Ice Cream Bars
  2. The History Channel
  3. Coupons
  4. TJ Maxx
  5. sidereel
  6. Key Lime...anything [pie, yogurt, cupcakes!]
  7. Feeling Adelei moving around in there, even when it hurts!
  8. My Glider
  9. Adele's new album - 21
  10. ME time


Sara Strand said...

I'm loving almost all of that too. Obviously, I'm not pregnant so that isn't one of them. ;)

erika said...

Isn't TJ Maxx the best? :)

Leah said...

please tell me you watch extreme couponing. because i'm kind of obsessed with it.