How far along? 30 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: 19 lbs gained
Sleep: Some nights I sleep really well, and some nights all I can do is toss and turn.
Food cravings: other than all the stuff I've mentioned in previous posts, Chocolate MILK!!
Best moment this week: realizing I can still shave my legs :)
Movement: She's always on the move!
Gender: girl!
Stretchies: none, yet.
Belly Button in or out? still in, for now.
What I miss: life before cankles.
What I am looking forward to: 4D ultrasound (in 5 more days!)
Symptoms: random aches/pains.
Milestones: being 2 days away from the end of internship...9 away from graduation.
Weekly wisdom: relax
Emotions: very excited!
OMG!! Jamie you are so effing adorable. You are the cutest pregnant person ever. *squeal*
I cannot believe you are 30 weeks already. Holy cows. I had Olivia at 39 weeks and Jackson at 40... but knowing you can go anytime after 37 weeks is so exciting! Which means I need to get MOVING on the rest of your gift!!!
So excited for you! I used to crave melon. I have no idea how I gained 70lbs because all I ate was melon.
you look great!!! i actually miss being preggo.
i totally understand about the chocolate milk! o.m.g. it still is my favorite thing in the world but i was not a big fun before preganancy
yay for the 4d ultrasound... that was a great moment :)
I could not get enough chocolate milk when I was pregnant!
still can't believe it.
This is awesome
You look great!
you look great!!
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