Sunday, September 5, 2010

Umm, seriously...

My husband bought a blackberry this week. It is the bane of my existence.
He has hardly put it down in the 4 days that he has had it, and I don't know how much longer I can take. Now, he's on it during dinner, while we're watching t.v., laying in bed. I mean, come on! The computer is two feet away, and he'll be on facebook on his phone. Don't get me wrong, I totally get that people use blackberrys for business, and they CAN come in really handy, etc. But OBVIOUSLY this isn't why he got one.
Someone PLEASE tell me you've dealt with this before. Tips/advice with trying to convince him he doesn't need it permanently attached to hand would be greatly appreciated.


Lin said...

My husband was the same way when he first got his. He didnt put it down for a week straight, ha ha. I didnt really mind too much because it gave me time to do what I wanted to do.

Take advantage of the time :)

Sara Strand said...

My cousin had one the ENTIRE TIME she was here on vacation. I think it's ubber rude to be texting/fucking off when you're talking face to face with someone. Or having dinner. I mean really-- put the crack pipe down. You should make it a house rule- no phones/computers/etc at the dinner table. Matt is this way with video games, Antiques Roadshow, and various computer shit holes he thinks he's rescuing. It's like, No-fucker. We're eating. Put it away before I throw it away.

FYI- I totally HAVE thrown his stuff away. But not being an idiot- it was destroyed before putting in the garbage. I? Mean business. :)

erika said...

I don't have advice, but I have been in the same boat for over a year and it SUCKS!

Unknown said...

I can't help much as I am a blackberry whore and I panic when I temporarily misplace mine. I had to say that my obsession is 2 yrs strong and I'm addicted. My only advice.........get one yourself and then you won't notice that he is on it cuz you will be busy too. Sorry!!!