Wednesday, June 2, 2010

30 Days of me::Favorite Song

Since everyone else seems to be doing it, I thought I would, too :)

30 Days of ME
Day 1: Your favorite song
Day 2: Your favorite movie
Day 3: Your favorite television program
Day 4: Your favorite book
Day 5: Your favorite quote
Day 6: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 7: A photo that makes you happy
Day 8: A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9: A photo you took
Day 10: A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11: A photo of you taken recently
Day 12: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13: A fictional book
Day 14: A non-fictional book
Day 15: A fanfic
Day 16: A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17: An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19: A talent of yours
Day 20: A hobby of yours
Day 21: A recipe
Day 22: A website
Day 23: A YouTube video
Day 24: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25: Your day, in great detail
Day 26: Your week, in great detail
Day 27: This month, in great detail
Day 28: This year, in great detail
Day 29: Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30: Whatever tickles your fancy

My Favorite Song right now is
Airplanes pt. II
By B.o.B. featuring Eminem and Haley Williams

The first time I heard it, I got chill bumps. But when I listened, I mean really, truly listened to the lyrics it was like this was coming straight from my long lost friend.


Sara Strand said...

Damn you. I was having a super upbeat and happy day- then I read your post on Matt's blog, then I had to read his post on your blog and god damn it all- I messed up my super professionally applied eye makeup.

BUT... I loved them both. I would post a comment on both but that would be lame and creeperish- so I'm gonna post it here.

Both of you did a great job memorializing your friend and both posts made me feel like I knew him. And I didn't. And I'm sorry I didn't because his death is a loss to everyone. Obviously I don't know the details but I know enough to say it's really sad that a person is that down on their luck to resort to that kind of stuff. But you know what? He is in a better place. And no matter what he did in his life he did something really right- he was a great friend. And maybe that was his purpose in life. To be a great friend to so many people and to show you the importance and impact of having a great friend. And he did it. Good vibes to both of you. :)

Mr O said...

it's ok to be sheep every once in a while. As long as the crowd you follow are the cool kids (basically - groups I'm associated with).

But yea, that song is one of the best of this year and I totally agree with your observation

Jeanette said...

Certain songs just bring me back all the time to Kevin dying, I'm right there with you, you know you can talk to me.

Cassie said...

I heard this in the car after I posted my current favorite song, and realized I should have put this one on there too! I love it.