Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just heard a knock on the door...

and guess who it was?


And guess what he brought?


I feel like I've worked really hard this semester, and I really wanted to treat myself to something nice. Since I've been using the SAME Britney Spears' perfume for the past 3 years, I decided I needed a change.

You see, once upon a time, my sister went to Belgium.
She brought us all back presents, and one of mine was a sample of Lolita Lempicka perfume.

I fell in love. Seriously, I used that sample until it was all gone, and I searched high and low for more. For the longest time, I couldn't find it any where in the states, and to order it online and have it shipped here would have cost an arm and a leg. I eventually gave up.

Until last week.
It was like destiny.
I had a few gift cards for fragrancenet.com, so I decided to check it out. I honestly didn't think I'd find it, but there it was, in all it's glory.

It retails for $65, but on the site I got it for $35, plus free shipping. You guys...I don't think I've been this happy in a long time. [what can I say...it's the simple things in life] I couldn't help but tear gently open the package and spray some on my wrist.

So Thank you Cassie for introducing me to it, thank you fragrancenet for having it [and selling it at such a good price], thank you swagbucks for the gift cards.

Life is good.


Sara Strand said...

So long as you aren't bathing in it because you are so happy...we're all good. Nobody likes people who smell like french whores. Except me. I'd love you anyways. :)

____j said...

Just one little spritz is all I need! lol

Leah said...

yay! i love getting packages in the mail (though it's rare). i don't wear perfume a lot, but i love smelling the ads in magazines! hah